Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Not what I expected

I didn't expect to blog about us in this way.

I'm very chronological "bound." I like to tell things in the order they happened and sometimes do so with way too many insignificant details. Then the story gets bogged down.

But this story isn't bogged down yet. I haven't hardly begun to write it.

So tonight, I sat down to play guitar. I'm feeling rather stressed about an upcoming trip and am needing to find my place of peace in God. I decided I'd pick up my guitar, not really thinking it would do much good.

I started playing a worship song, and Lee sat at the piano and began to play with me.

And Lee makes anything sound 10 times better. You couldn't hear the missed strums or chords with his fingers playing the piano in the background.

I can't really express what was going on in my heart. I think I found some peace. I found some pain, too, though. The worship on guitar and piano took on a different, yet familiar flavor, one I know will be restored to me at some point...only better than I could ever hope or imagine.

In the midst of the pain, I gave thanks to God for the small gift that He gave me tonight in a short, impromptu worship "jam session" with Lee.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One Flesh

In the beginning of this journey, there was lots of fear. Lots.

Almost every discussion ended in tears (mine) and frustration (his). I thought I had to answer his questions, convince him of what is true, but I couldn't.

He could (and can) out argue, out maneuver, out intellectualize anything and everything I could come up with...even things he agreed with (just to play devil's advocate). For him it was mostly a verbal and intellectual sparring match. For me it was the potential loss of every dream I had held dear, and I was going to do everything I could to get him back on track.

And then I found at every turn that I couldn't.

Thus the tears.

We finally reached an impasse and mutually decided that, at least for a time, we would not discuss his spiritual questions. They simply had too much potential for combustion. My emotions couldn't handle it, and it began to wear on our marriage and our friendship.

During that time, I shared with a friend how strong the darkness of deception weighed on me. How I knew that we were one flesh and couldn't bear this dark cloud that was invading our oneness.

This wise friend kindly responded, "Then I'm going to pray that the light that's in you is stronger than the deception he's battling with."

Ding! Lights came on.

We are one flesh. He is battling darkness. I am filled with light. Light always pushes back darkness.

That was a significant turning point for me. I began to imagine myself filled with the light of the Way, the Truth and the Life. I began to choose to believe that whatever my husband was struggling with God's light would shine on every dark place.

What a perspective shift.

I'm happy to say that since that time, I have viewed our oneness differently. For the most part, I do not struggle like I once did with the perceived encroaching darkness of deception because, quite frankly, it's not encroaching. The light I carry through being filled with the Spirit and being in Christ keeps pushing it back...resisting.

And when I resist the devil, he flees.

God is good.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, I went to a drawing workshop where I was challenged, frustrated, and enriched.

There were light bulb moments, and there was that one moment when I just wanted to run out of the room and give up ever trying to be an artist.

But the crowning moment of the workshop was not in the instruction I received nor in the art I attempted to create, but in the conversation with one of my fellow classmates: Harry.

I noticed him the first day. He was outside smoking when I drove up and gave me a tentative "hello" and a smile when I got to the door. We didn't exchange any words that I remember. Perhaps a smile when we crossed paths on break or at lunch, but I was drawn to him in a way I didn't get at the time.

The second day, we were on break, and I found myself standing next to Harry near the coffee. Somehow we struck up a conversation...mostly about how we heard about the workshop, what kind of art did we normally do, things like that. Then, out of the blue, Harry mentioned to me that he had lost his wife a couple of months prior and was at this workshop in an attempt to keep going in the midst of deep grief. I expressed my condolences just as the instructor started up again and tried to convey to Harry how sorry I was for his loss.

At the next break, I decided to ask Harry about his wife. I've heard that, although most people's immediate reaction to someone who has lost a loved one is to not talk about it, the one suffering the loss would usually like to talk about him/her. So, I asked Harry if his wife had also been an artist.

He smiled sadly and said that she had probably taught him most of what he knew. They had been married 26 years. Her passion, though, was medicine, and she was on her way to finishing up her degree in medicine to be a pathologist. She and 8 others had been in Mexico on some medical-related trip when she was killed in a tragic bus accident.

My heart broke for Harry. I began to silently weep with him as he expressed his deep loss and grief for this woman he loved so dearly, now suddenly ripped away in an unexpected way.

When I told Harry that I would pray for him, he told me that prior to her death, he had been an atheist. But that now he was moving towards "spiritual" atheist, longing to find meaning in the depths of his sorrow.

And he had chosen to turn to God. He doesn't know that yet, necessarily, but I see the signs. And I know how God can use anything to bring us to Him. God did not author that awful accident. The enemy did. But God will rescue Harry because of it. I'm almost sure.

As the workshop ended, I took Harry's hand and told him that God is close to the broken hearted. He replied: "He must be. You are like an angel."

And I thought I was going to an art workshop to improve on my art skills.

The Presence of God shining through this cracked clay pot.

I am in awe.